Sunday, December 14, 2008


i wish
i could live
in your ocean
i fear
i will drown

will you
come with me
to the light
and water my life

will the sun shine too brightly?
will you learn to hate me?

i will remember
this place

where kindness broke my heart

how can they say
that you're not real

where here
love truly lived

no place

for both of us

maybe you're
the home

that i've
been waiting for...
but i can't have.

(c) 2008 Carolyn Chen

* This week, I was determined to record something even if I was sick and it was going to be ghetto. Other recordings can be found at


G L said...

Very nice. I think the piano kind of overpowers the vocals, though.

Michael Dausch said...


carolyn said...

GL: Really! Thought the vocals were more intrusive. Thanks for listening and your feedback.

M: I'm honored to hear that from you.