Friday, March 20, 2009

being dausch

My friend Mike is a funny guy. I can't stop watching this. (His friend Tim is also hilarious.)

For a while, I've been wanting to write about Mike and his influence on me, especially blogging-wise, friend-wise, and music-wise; but didn't know how to do him justice. Anyways, the gist of the story is that I basically started blogging because of Mike's blog, Shaking Words, which you should check out if you haven't already.

You could say that besides being a funny guy, Mike is a critical thinker, jock, Apophatic Catholic, foodie, loyal friend, faithful supporter, lover of China, lover of Richard Rohr, a talented songwriter/musician (he's got an album out there, accessible on iTunes called "Who?") and my first blogging coach and cheerleader...but that's just a sampling of the many flavors of Mike Dausch.

Meet Mike, everyone...


Michael Dausch said...

aww, thanks for the shout out. you forgot sex symbol though.

talk soon?

carolyn said...

augh! my bad -- how could i forget that?

yeah, that'd be great!