This President's Day weekend, I hung out with some friends from my ol' Boston days: Jenny, Arny, Kenny, Judy, and Melissa. We spent the day dodging the rain and hiking in Big Sur. After a long day, we headed back to Kenny's spacious townhouse and cooked dinner and vegged out on the floor after dinner.
Me: Man, I feel so dead right now. I want to take a shower but can't get up. I'm just going to fall asleep here.
Arny: Well, before you do, there's something I want to show you guys.
(The girls look at each other nervously.
Me: Whaaaat--?
(Arny goes up the stairs).
Jenny: Are they going to sing?
Me: Or do a dance?
(Melissa mutters warily.)
(I start doing that weird hyper giggling/squealing that you do when you're about to enter a haunted house, but you're excited, too.)
Finally, Arny peeped his head out and said they were ready....
Here is what happened when we
It's Valentines Day
and who really gives a crap (gives a crap)
'bout a fake holiday
that just makes you feel like... crap
We know that thirty's round the bend (ooooh-ooooh)
You don't need a heart-shaped box
Or a card that says "Hallmark" on the back
to know that each of you really rocks (really ro-o-o-o-o-o-o-ocks)
Well, V-day is just really whack
There are dudes who are just that into--
Yooooooou are totally awesome (SO FRICKIN' AWESOME!!)
(You're really hot!)

Oh man, Arnold was just over at our place not too long ago. I wish I could have seen this first. This post also reminded me to try and see Judy soon, it's been a long time.
Also, totally curious if there is a story behind the "out" in quotations. Enjoy the cookie.
great post!
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