Tuesday, February 17, 2009

totally awesome

This President's Day weekend, I hung out with some friends from my ol' Boston days: Jenny, Arny, Kenny, Judy, and Melissa. We spent the day dodging the rain and hiking in Big Sur. After a long day, we headed back to Kenny's spacious townhouse and cooked dinner and vegged out on the floor after dinner.

Me: Man, I feel so dead right now. I want to take a shower but can't get up. I'm just going to fall asleep here.

Arny: Well, before you do, there's something I want to show you guys.

(The girls look at each other nervously.)

Me: Whaaaat--?

Arny: Kenny and I have something for you guys. Just wait right here while Kenny and I take care of stuff upstairs.

(Arny goes up the stairs).

Judy: Oh my gosh...

Jenny: Are they going to sing?

Me: Or do a dance?

(Melissa mutters warily.)

(I start doing that weird hyper giggling/squealing that you do when you're about to enter a haunted house, but you're excited, too.)

Finally, Arny peeped his head out and said they were ready....

The girls: OH my gosh...

Here is what happened when we
got to Kenny's room.

It's Valentines Day
and who really gives a crap (gives a crap)
'bout a fake holiday
that just makes you feel like... crap

We know that thirty's round the bend (ooooh-ooooh)

Our twenties are almost at an end (ooooh-ooooh)
But you still got time to find the man you're looking for (awwwww!)

You don't need a heart-shaped box
Or a card that says "Hallmark" on the back
to know that each of you really rocks (really ro-o-o-o-o-o-o-ocks)
Well, V-day is just really whack

But yooooooou are totally awesome (TOTALLY AWESOME!!)
There are dudes who are just that into--
Yooooooou are totally awesome (SO FRICKIN' AWESOME!!)

Happy Vaaaaalentines Day!

(You're really hot!)

(c) Arnold Kim, 2009

Yeah, I still get emotional when I watch this. It was such a wonderful gift from these two great friends of mine, and I can't help but share this song with everyone. Valentine's Day up until that day was an afterthought -- I, like most of our group, actually liked not having the pressure of celebrating v-day with a significant other and having to get gifts and such. And I have been "out" of a relationship long enough to not miss it. Ironically, Arny and Kenny took it upon themselves to plan a v-day gift for us girls. Not only did they write and sing a song for us, but Kenny baked heart-shaped gingerbread cookies while Arny bought some fancy chocolate truffles from Berkeley's Gourmet Ghetto. Here we are with our gift bags.

Anyways, in the spirit of this song, just wanted to tell you all that you are totally awesome, every day -- and who needs a friggin' holiday to validate you only once a year? Thank you, Arny and Kenny for the reminder.


Unknown said...

Oh man, Arnold was just over at our place not too long ago. I wish I could have seen this first. This post also reminded me to try and see Judy soon, it's been a long time.

Also, totally curious if there is a story behind the "out" in quotations. Enjoy the cookie.

Michael Dausch said...

great post!