Tuesday, May 19, 2009

should i join

A couple of weeks ago, I was about to go for a run but saw that I missed Mike's call and decided to listen to his message as I had a before-running snack of tortilla chips and avocado (yeah, probably not the best idea).

I munched and listened to the message.

O-kaaay. "Hm."

I played it again and started moving to it as I munched some more.

dausch chirp song from Carolyn Chen on Vimeo.

Third time, I was doing hip hop moves in my kitchen.
"Yeah, YEAH, this is TIGHT!"

I've usually hesitated from joining Twitter for fear that I'd spend too much time trying to think of cool "tweets" to share with my "followers."
However, as of late, I've already been going on Facebook religiously (mainly to check on who accepted the invitation to my May 9 gig) and as a side effect, I've updated my Facebook status message pretty consistently. (I haven't dropped the habit, although the gig's over...)
Also, it IS hard to blog regularly. So with Twitter, I could "talk" to you more often, and then you wouldn't have to wait weeks, but only hours, even minutes, for deep thoughts, by Carolyn Chen. (And you'd probably get less deep thoughts, too.)

But is that what you want?
Is that what I want?

Even if I joined, I would still not "tweet" during work hours although a big portion of my day is spent at work. I've decided to never go on social networking sites during work hours, which is probably a good thing -- work can be kind of annoying, and there's no need to bring you into that world ("If I see another attorneys' fees request, I'm going to gag," but there could also be the potential for cool tweets like "OMG- just saw Erwin Chemerinsky in the Court of Appeals!").

Regardless, I could still tweet during off-hours -- which is still a lot of time in a day for Carolyn exposure.

Could we all handle that?

I don't know if I can even handle writing about it on this blog post, ughhh...

But I am open.
And as Mike says, it may just be a matter of time.

Susan B., if you're reading this, I miss you. When are you going to grace us with your presence on The Permanent New Girl?

*photo credits:
Birds: eh, I don't remember...from Google images
New York Times Square: Mike Dausch's photography
Macy's underwear model: Susan Buchanan's flickr stream for her blog post.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

working hard

I'm a little crazed these days, but it's all good.

Been thinking about good music.
Here are some inspirations:
  • Susie Suh (I wish I could make a music video featuring HER, for her song, "Light on My Shoulder"; I'm going to try to catch an LA show of hers in June).
  • Imogen Heap (I'm always afraid of her at first, but am in so much awe.)
  • Vienna Teng (I used to get insulted when people compared me to her because I assumed it was because we were both Asian and played the piano. Now I've gotten over it and watching her again I'm reminded how flawless and angelic her voice is - and how amazing she is on the piano. I could only dream of writing/performing like her...)